It’s a bird – more pictures!

Indulge me! I had some more time today, so I took my wee birdies outside for some more photos:

As a reminder, this bird is made from a pattern Terry Grant of “And Sew it Goes” published in Quilt Scene magazine last year. Her birds are FANTASTIC, and I’m so happy to be jumping into the 3-d world.

One thing I’m very sure of – this bird needs some pals…I think these will look great in groups!

I’m not only thinking about birdhouses, but bird cages, branches for them to perch on, I really love to see birds sitting on a wire – I’ll have to see where this takes me.

The jasmine of 2 days ago is busting out all over!

I’m gonna share this with some friends over at Amy’s!

22 Responses

  1. This is so cute! BTW, my pink jasmine has been blooming like crazy,too. Spring is here!

  2. Cute! I love the stitching with the varigated thread on the wing. Love the birdcage idea and no ‘real’ mess to clean up (like live birds).

  3. He really is a cutie pie and I like how you quilted the wing. I have long admired Terry’s birds and am glad to see that she has made a pattern. I just may have to make one. I remember when she first showed them on her blog and I asked her if she had used a pattern and she replied that it was her own design.

  4. GORGEOUS pics – I love working in 3-D, I haven’t in a long time. I made a chair one time, and a cactus, and a very large palm tree that the kids used to climb. I might have to make a bird now! Love the idea of the birdcage, Candy.